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The 500 Most Important Individuals in Latin America

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    The world is currently seeing Latin America as a land of opportunities, as the region continues to gain recognition for its significant impact and leadership in key areas such as business, culture, art, and even religion. A myriad of remarkable Latin Americans are leaving an indelible mark, reshaping norms and extending their influence far beyond their native countries. In September, a month dedicated to celebrating Hispanic heritage in the United States, where nearly one in four new businesses is spearheaded by a Latino, Bloomberg Línea proudly presents the third edition of its list of the 500 most influential figures in the region for 2023. There are 282 new names this year. These individuals are leaders in fields spanning production, finance, arts, sciences and sports from Mexico to Patagonia. Our aim is not to create a ranked list but rather to compile a roster, curated by our editorial committee, to showcase and recognize the five hundred Latinos who are catalyzing transformations on a global scale.


    Article information

    Author: Cheyenne Cortez

    Last Updated: 1703468522

    Views: 836

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (81 voted)

    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Cheyenne Cortez

    Birthday: 1929-04-02

    Address: PSC 9101, Box 6329, APO AA 06177

    Phone: +4690606616038336

    Job: Firefighter

    Hobby: Drone Flying, Stargazing, Board Games, Snowboarding, Raspberry Pi, Geocaching, Skiing

    Introduction: My name is Cheyenne Cortez, I am a resolved, honest, unguarded, risk-taking, Gifted, rare, venturesome person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.