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Top 2023 Social Media Trends And Statistics

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Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She spends her spare moments testing out the latest productivity apps and plotting her latest novel. Connect with Belle on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Cassie Bottorff

Cassie Bottorff

Cassie is a deputy editor, collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. She is passionate about economic development and is on the board of two non-profit organizations seeking to revitalize her former railroad town. Prior to joining the team at Forbes Advisor, Cassie was a Content Operations Manager and Copywriting Manager at Fit Small Business.

Cassie Bottorff

Cassie Bottorff

Cassie is a deputy editor, collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. She is passionate about economic development and is on the board of two non-profit organizations seeking to revitalize her former railroad town. Prior to joining the team at Forbes Advisor, Cassie was a Content Operations Manager and Copywriting Manager at Fit Small Business.

Updated: May 18, 2023, 2:09pm

Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations.

Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023 Getty

Recent announcements at Google I/O have propelled social media into an even larger share of the web spotlight. Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are poised to become powerful marketing stages for your brand to interact with your audience.

And these major changes in search mean it’s now crucial for marketers and small businesses to understand current social media trends and evolving user behaviors on these platforms. Our carefully curated list of 2023 social media statistics provides a vital snapshot of the current social media landscape.

Key Social Media Statistics

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In 2023, an estimated 4.9 billion people use social media across the world

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The number of social media users worldwide has swelled to a record 4.9 billion people globally. What’s more, this number is expected to jump to approximately 5.85 billion users by 2027.

These aren’t users tied to a single platform, either: The average user now spreads their digital footprint across a staggering six to seven platforms every month—highlighting the need for a multi-platform approach to social media marketing.

The social media app market in 2022 was valued at .09 billion

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Modern Millie

This number isn’t expected to stay stagnant, though, with forecasts predicting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.2% from 2023 to 2030. The driving force? The increasing global adoption of 5G technology. Social media platforms will need to continuously evolve to meet the demands of this blistering rate of growth, which means marketers will need to adapt and evolve their strategies to keep up.

The most used social media platform in the world is Facebook, with 2.9 million monthly active users across the world

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Captain Gizmo

Facebook’s reign continues into 2023, but it doesn’t stand alone. YouTube is hot on its heels, clocking in with 2.5 million monthly active users.

These staggering numbers aren’t just statistics, either. They highlight the expansive influence and potential of social media platforms. The takeaway for marketers? To harness the increasing power of social, marketing strategies will need to leverage these platforms effectively to engage with audiences. Using social media management tools effectively is crucial to capturing this traffic.

Facebook is the most visited social media site in America

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The numbers back this up: Facebook commands 53% of all social media site visits in the United States. It’s a supremacy that remains unchallenged to date. Other platforms, despite their individual strengths and popularity, continue to find themselves in Facebook’s shadow across desktop, mobile and tablet devices. This means Facebook remains essential for marketers aiming to capture and engage American audiences.

People in the U.S. have an average of 7.1 social media accounts

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Remember how social media users check in on six to seven social media platforms per month? Turns out, on a global perspective, the average individual boasts 8.4 social media accounts. Americans aren’t far behind, with 7.1 accounts—in between the high of 11.5 accounts in India and Japan’s more modest 3.8. These stats illustrate the broad and complex multi-platform landscape facing social media marketers.

Social Media Usage Statistics

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The average person spends about 145 minutes on social media every day

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Time is a precious commodity. So it’s significant that the average person globally spends a significant portion of their day—about 145 minutes—on social media. Interestingly, Americans fall slightly below this average, clocking in at 2 hours and 7 minutes daily.

To put this into perspective, if the average person maintained this usage over an average life span of 73 years, the end result is an astonishing 5.7 years spent on social media platforms. For marketers, these numbers highlight the reach and potential of an effective social media strategy.

The most engaging type of content on social media is short-form videos

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Smart Sense

Both brevity and authenticity are winning the day on social media, with short-form videos—typically less than a minute in length—capturing the attention of 66% of consumers. Highly shareable, these bite-sized videos are 2.5 times more engaging than longer videos, and 34% of consumers appreciate the more genuine nature of the shorter form.

The most common way people access social media is a mobile device

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It comes as no surprise that the majority of people are tapping into social media through their mobile devices, but the number itself might raise some eyebrows: 99% use a tablet or smartphone to connect to social media, while 78% do so exclusively from their phones. At 1.32%, desktop social media users are dwarfed by their mobile-loving counterparts. It’s clear, then: mobile-focused social media strategies are key. Make sure that when you create a website for your business, you utilize a website builder that can reflexively optimize your site for both desktop and mobile experiences.

The country where people spend the most average hours on social media is Nigeria

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Nigeria tops the global charts in social media use, with its citizens averaging more than four hours a day on social networks—far surpassing the global daily average of 2 hours and 27 minutes. Other emerging markets with youthful demographics such as the Philippines and India also show high engagement levels, highlighting the importance of demographic and regional considerations when planning social media campaigns.

Social Media Platforms Statistics

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TikTok generated 0 million in revenue in Q4 of 2022

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TikTok made headlines in Q4 2022, generating $350 million in revenue, easily outperforming—to the tune of $205 million—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat combined. For marketers who’ve been sitting on the fence about TikTok, these stats are a clear sign of the platform’s significant potential.

52% of internet users use YouTube as least once a month

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YouTube’s numbers reflect its expansive reach, with 52% of internet users accessing the video-sharing giant at least once a month. As of 2023, the platform boasts 2.68 billion active users, as well as 80 million YouTube Premium subscribers. It’s also established itself as the second-largest search engine in the world, next to its parent Google.

84% of people aged 18 to 29 use at least one social media site

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Social media usage has typically skewed toward the younger demographic, with 84% of those aged 18 to 29 and 81% of people between 30 to 49 actively using at least one social media site. But this active usage trend continues in the older demographics as well, with 73% in the 50 to 64 range and a somewhat surprising 45% of those in the 65-plus group.

The takeaway? This evolution of social media to better mirror the demographics of the broader overall population emphasizes the importance of age-differentiated strategies when planning out social media campaigns.

Social Media Advertising Statistics

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The average CTR of ads across social media was 1.21% in 2022

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Data from 2022 shows that the average click-through rate (CTR) across all social media platforms was 1.21%—a slight dip from the previous year’s CTR of 1.3%. Despite this minor decline, the numbers highlight the continuing need to create compelling social media ad campaigns to maximize engagement and conversion.

77% of businesses use social media to reach customers

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Businesses are often among the first to leverage the power of new technology, so it makes sense that, in an increasingly digital business landscape, 77% of small businesses use social media to connect with their customers. In addition to building brand awareness (44%), a significant number of small businesses—41%—also depend on social media as a revenue driver.

90% of users follow at least one brand on social media

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Social media’s reach is everywhere these days, as evidenced by the 90% of social media users who are following at least one brand. It’s a powerful illustration of the shift in consumer behavior towards more direct and engaged relationships with brands—and a strong indication of the importance of brands’ strong social media presence to establish and maintain brand loyalty.

76% of social media users have purchased something they saw on social media

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While the purchase pathway varies—with 11% buying immediately, 44% deferring online purchases for later and 21% opting to buy in-store—the 76% of users who have bought a product based on a brand’s social media post reflects how social media has changed the face of retail.

Influencer Statistics

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Half of Millennials trust influencers’ product recommendations

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In a twist of trust worthy of prime-time consideration, 50% of Millennials place their faith in social media influencers’ product recommendations, surpassing their trust in their favorite celebrities, which stands at 38%. The key driver behind this trust? Authenticity: An impressive 88% of Millennials say they value authenticity in the influencers they follow—laying out a clear framework, rooted in relatability and sincerity, for marketers to follow.

3.8 million posts on Instagram had the hashtag “ad” in 2021

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Instagram saw an impressive uptick in ad content in 2021, with 3.8 million posts worldwide donning the #ad hashtag—a significant 27% hike from the 3 million reported by the social media platform in the previous year and a clear sign of its evolution as a key player in the digital advertising world.

Influencer spending hit .14 billion in 2022

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Influencer marketing took a quantum leap in 2022, as expenditure in this realm skyrocketed to $4.14 billion. It’s an impressive number, marking an increase of around a billion dollars from the previous year’s numbers. With this kind of trajectory, the future looks bright for influencer marketing.

The minimum average cost of a sponsored YouTube video with 1 million views is ,500

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On the YouTube sponsorship landscape, 2022 saw an average minimum price tag of $2,500 for videos garnering over a million views. Videos that racked up between 500,000 to a million views came in at a more modest $1,105—and a more hefty average maximum price of $16,234.

The minimum average cost of an Instagram post with 1 million followers is ,200

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Influencers on Instagram with over a million followers saw their star power translate into posts that fetched an average minimum price of $1,200 in 2021. Macro-influencers (with followers ranging from 100,000 to a million), meanwhile, settled for a lower average minimum cost of $185 per post, with potential to escalate to an average maximum cost of $2,500.

The minimum average cost of a Tik Tok post with 1 million followers is ,034

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Global Stats

TikTok mega-influencers, with a fan base of over a million followers, commanded an average minimum price of $1,034 per video. Macro-influencers on the platform, with followings of between 100,000 to a million, saw a lower average minimum of $151 per post, with the possibility of netting an average maximum of $793.

Social Media and Mental Health Statistics

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39% of social media users report that they are addicted to social media

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A whopping 39% of U.S. online users admit to feeling the addictive pull of the digital rabbit hole that is social media, with 9% of these users agreeing completely with the statement “I am addicted to social media.” It appears a sizable proportion of users find the dopamine-fueled allure of social media difficult to resist.

Research shows that there is a correlation between social media use and depression for adolescents


Amid the buzz of likes, shares, and retweets and reposts, research points to a troubling link between adolescent depression and social media use. There is, however, a silver lining: Researchers have also found that social media can foster diverse friendships and provide easily accessible support.[12]

There’s even the potential for social media to serve as a crucial tool in the early detection of depressive signs.[12] Overall, there’s a definite need for a nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between social media and adolescent mental health and the development of targeted interventions.

67% of adolescents report feeling worse about their own lives as a result of their social media use


Social media is a complex web for today’s teens: While 67% feel a dip in self-esteem as they compare their lives with the filtered “realities” they see on social media, 73% report finding solace and support on these platforms during tough times. It’s a delicate balance that reflects the multifaceted impact of social media on young lives.

Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social have an increased risk of mental health struggles


For many teens, social media can be a slippery slope leading to mental health issues. Research has found that teens who spend over three hours daily on social media platforms are more likely to internalize problems—suggesting that excessive social media use could be silently contributing to adolescent mental health struggles.

Potential solutions? Limiting social media time, increasing media literacy and redesigning platforms might be keys to healthier digital interactions to counter this troubling trend.

The Bottom Line


Social media is about more than just apps and platforms: It’s a digital environment that’s clearly reshaping the world of marketing. Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are the arenas where your brand can truly connect, engage and grow with your audience. With our 2023 social media statistics as a road map, embrace the evolution of social media and watch your brand story unfold in captivating ways.

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  1. DemandSage
  2. Grand View Research
  3. Statista
  4. Backlinko
  5. SproutSocial
  6. Forbes
  7. Pew Research
  8. Score.org
  9. Instagram
  10. Retail TouchPoints
  11. Morning Consult
  12. NCBI
  13. Healio
  14. Jama Psychiatry
  15. Hubspot

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Author: Colleen Wilson

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Name: Colleen Wilson

Birthday: 2022-06-05

Address: USNV Thomas, FPO AE 41833

Phone: +4862277631663691

Job: Laboratory Technician

Hobby: Meditation, Camping, Cycling, Rock Climbing, Woodworking, Photography, Badminton

Introduction: My name is Colleen Wilson, I am a persistent, accessible, important, risk-taking, resolute, sincere, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.